CEF of Nebraska to Host “Leaders Lead” Event on First Tuesday Every Month

Join CEF of Nebraska (www.cefnebraska.org) the first Tuesday of every month for their Leaders Lead event to hear from a variety of dynamic leaders in Lincoln. Each month from 7:30 to 9 a.m., attendees will meet for coffee and networking followed by a short presentation of CEF’s impact in the lives of children before hearing from the featured speaker. Those in attendance can then take the opportunity to network and ask questions of the speaker and about CEF.

Does faith matter in the marketplace? Can a person be a believer in Jesus and have a successful business, family life, or political career? Come to CEF of Nebraska’s First Tuesdays “Leaders Lead” event, February 4, and hear Attorney General Doug Peterson share how Christ and the principles found in the Bible can be integrated into every area of life. In coming months, former Husker Coach Tom Osborne will speak March 4, Business Advisor Dave Nabity April 1, and former Councilwoman Cyndi Lamm will speak May 6.

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska is part of the world’s largest and oldest children’s youth ministry. Established in 1937, the global ministry has reached over 250 million children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. CEF is unique in that they focus specifically on elementary children ages 5–12. They provide an opportunity especially for children to learn from the Bible and of Jesus.

To help CEF plan, please RSVP early before each event by contacting (402) 480-5515 / office@cefnebraska.org. Learn more about CEF at www.cefnebraska.org.