Habitat for Humanity Cancels 2020 Affordable Homebuyer Application Cycle
Due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln made the difficult decision to cancel the application cycle for the 2020 homeownership program. In March, Habitat Lincoln closed its build sites and its ReStore shopping and donation center to help slow the spread of the virus. The health and safety of staff, volunteers, supporters, and future homeowners has been and remains a top priority.
ReStore has since reopened and is operating an eshop, but the work shutdown has severely slowed the construction schedule on current homes and homes for future homeowners selected in last year’s application cycle. Habitat also expects increased expenses this year to hire subcontractors in lieu of having volunteer support at its construction sites.
Habitat Lincoln remains committed to building homes, communities, and hope. While it will not be accepting applications this year, the organization will be providing opportunities to increase services and resources to help the community prepare people for homeownership. They will share information in the coming months regarding the next application cycle, which is set to open in August 2021. To learn more, visit lincolnhabitat.org/homeownership or call (402) 477-9184.