Over 50 women from across the Lincoln business community have come together to raise funds to help Lincoln families in need of safe, affordable housing. The Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln (lincolnhabitat.org) Women Build campaign began in September, with all participants agreeing to raise a minimum of $500 and to volunteer on a job site in May.
The Women Builders will be raising hammers and working on two townhomes which means four families will be impacted by the hard work of these amazing and dedicated women.
“One of my favorite phrases is “Go Big or Go (Build) Home,” says Habitat’s Development Specialist LaCresha Brooks. “So, when we created this campaign, we wanted to do something that really challenged us. We are so grateful for the support of everyone who has joined us with this exciting project.”
Donations can be made towards the overall goal or to a specific builder at www.givegab.com/campaigns/women-build-2023.
Habitat sends a thank you to their supporting sponsors Ameritas and the Lincoln Journal Star, and to everyone who has been a part of this campaign and who have contributed their passion and energy to the idea that everyone deserves a decent place to live.
Habitat Lincoln has partnered with more than 197 local families, serving more than 840 men, women and children through the construction of new single-family homes, as well as simple and critical repair projects. To learn more, contact Director of Development Deanna Walz at (402) 310-7884 / dwalz@lincolnhabitat.org or visit lincolnhabitat.org.