Local Builders Partner with Habitat for Humanity for Home Builders Blitz

Local builders will partner with Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln (lincolnhabitat.org) and a local family to build an affordable home as part of a nationwide Home Builders Blitz. Home Builders Association of Lincoln (HBAL; hbal.org) and their members will work alongside future Habitat homeowners in Lincoln as part of Habitat for Humanity’s Home Builders Blitz. HBAL members will provide the labor, funding, and materials to help a local family build strength, stability, and self-reliance through improved shelter.

“A Blitz Build is a unique way for Habitat Lincoln and our partners at Home Builders Association of Lincoln to work together,” says Josh Hanshaw, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln. “It gives local professionals the opportunity to use their skills and talents to address the growing need for affordable housing in Lincoln, and gives Habitat Lincoln the ability to increase capacity to serve an additional family in need of decent shelter.”

Construction will begin at 4227 W. Hancock Ct. on June 18 and run approximately four-weeks. To get involved, contact HBAL at (402) 423-4225.

Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln is part of a global, non-profit housing organization that brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. To get involved, visit www.lincolnhabitat.org/womenbuild. Further questions can be directed to Development Director Christina Zink via email at czink@lincolnhabitat.org or by phone at (402) 480-6185.