Concordia University-Nebraska has announced two new student aid guarantees, available for qualified students entering the 2014-15 academic year as freshmen with a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. The Lutheran Heritage Award guarantees a minimum of $12,000 per year in institutional aid to students—regardless of their major—who are Lutheran, graduates from a Lutheran high school, dependents of a rostered church worker or dependents of Concordia University-Nebraska alumni.

Concordia’s Church Work Award guarantee is specifically for students entering one of Concordia’s professional church work programs—director of Christian education, director of parish music, teacher, pre-deaconess and pre-seminary studies—for ministry within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Qualifying students must also meet certain academic and family income qualifications. Recipients are guaranteed a minimum of $15,000 in annual scholarships and grants from institutional, federal and state sources. Students in church work programs will receive an additional $1,500 in aid during years three and four of college upon admittance to their respective program.

The aid programs aim to bolster the number of students pursuing professions in service to the LCMS as it faces a large number of upcoming retirements in its current workforce. For more information about Concordia University-Nebraska’s professional church work programs and grants, please visit